Archiving Sequencing Data

Author:Brant C. Faircloth
Copyright:This documentation is available under a Creative Commons (CC-BY) license.

Modification History

See Archiving Sequencing Data History.


We archive the raw read data from ALL of our old sequencing runs (>5 years) in AWS Glacier Deep Archive.


  1. Navigate to the illumina-runs section of the NFS

  2. Identify sequencing directories needed to be archived. Usually, in illumina-runs, this is everything but the clean sequence directory that is ~5 years old. Once you’ve decided what needs to be excluded for a particular sequencing run, generate a directory tree of what you’re uploading:

    tree -I 'clean' -a > ${PWD##*/}-dirtree.txt
  3. Check to make sure all files in dirs to package up are already zipped (these are sequence files, so they should be)

  4. Now, package up everything, except for any excluded directories (e.g. like clean, which just duplicates the data):

    tar --exclude ./clean -cvf ${PWD##*/}.tar ./ | tee ${PWD##*/}-tar.out
  5. This will make an output file named <directory-name>-tar.out that you can check to ensure everything has been packaged up that you wanted

  6. Compute md5 checksums of everything:

    md5sum ${PWD##*/}.tar ${PWD##*/}-tar.out ${PWD##*/}-dirtree.txt > ${PWD##*/}.md5
  7. Now, go ahead and upload those to AWS Glacier Deep Archive (be sure to use the correct --profile:

    aws s3 cp ${PWD##*/}.tar s3://2013-faircloth-lab-sequence-data --storage-class DEEP_ARCHIVE --profile lab-data &&
    aws s3 cp ${PWD##*/}-tar.out s3://2013-faircloth-lab-sequence-data --storage-class DEEP_ARCHIVE --profile lab-data &&
    aws s3 cp ${PWD##*/}-dirtree.txt s3://2013-faircloth-lab-sequence-data --storage-class DEEP_ARCHIVE --profile lab-data &&
    aws s3 cp ${PWD##*/}.md5 s3://2013-faircloth-lab-sequence-data --storage-class DEEP_ARCHIVE --profile lab-data
  8. Check the tar log file to make sure everything got packaged up (basically avoiding the clean data).

  9. Remove the directories that you’ve archived. For now, leave the clean data directory

  10. Denote in the Google Sheet that the data have been archived

  11. Move the directory to /nfs/data1/illumina-runs/ARCHIVED