Running SVD Quartets

Author:Carl Oliveros, Brant C. Faircloth, Jessie Salter
Copyright:This documentation is available under a Creative Commons (CC-BY) license.

Modification History

See Running SVD Quartets History



  1. Install the stable channel of Docker following the instructions here:

  2. Clone the Dockerfile repository

    git clone
  3. Change directory into the ubuntu-14-wqmc directory

  4. Build the image for wQMC. This will download all the stuff you need to run wQMC on 32-bit Ubuntu:

    docker build -t faircloth/wqmc .
  5. Now, run the docker image and mount a host directory to home directory of the container. Here, we’re mounting a directory we’ve created within the present working directory named target. You can read from and write to this directory, so do your work in the container here:

    docker run -i -t -v "$(pwd)"/target/:/home/generic/data faircloth/wqmc /bin/bash