Running RADcap Analysis

Author:Jessie Salter and Brant C. Faircloth
Copyright:This documentation is available under a Creative Commons (CC-BY) license.

Modification History

See Running RADcap Analysis


The following assumes you are demultiplexing RADcap data prepared with enzymes and the i5-8N tag. Otherwise, if you used standard libraries for RADcap locus enrichment, you can demultiplex those data like usual.

Preliminary Steps

  1. To compile stacks when using LSU HPC, be sure to module load gcc/6.4.0 or enable this modules in your ~/.modules file

  2. Get Stacks, configure (w/ home directory install), and install. The commands below need to be modified for your setup because they are set to install everything into /project/brant/home/, which you don’t have access to.

    tar -cxzvf stacks-2.54.tar.gz
    cd stacks-2.54
    export CC=`which gcc`
    export CXX=`which g++`
    ./configure --prefix=/project/brant/home/
    # if using an entire node, you can `make -j 20`
    make install
  3. Get BBmap, and install that somewhere. Basically download and place the files somewhere in your $PATH

    mkdir $HOME/bin
    tar -xzvf BBMap_38.87.tar.gz
    # this will create a folder bbmap which you need to add to your $PATH


If you are in my lab group, these are installed in $HOME/project/brant/bin


  1. Upload the relevant data to some location on @smic. These should not have been demultiplexed in any way.
  2. You may want to check to ensure the MD5 checksums of your files uploaded match the MD5 checksums that you expect. Usually, you receive these from the sequencing center.
  3. If you have multiple files (for some reason), you can combine the files together for READ1 and then combine the files together for READ2.

Your Data Contain Randomly Sheared DNA (“standard” libraries)

  1. If your data contain RADcap performed on randomly sheared or “standard” sequencing libraries that are mixed with “regular” RAD-cap libraries, we’ll go ahead and demultiplex the randomly sheared, RADcap data, first. Once that’s done, we will demultiplex the remaining reads containing i5-8N tags.

  2. I am starting with a directory structure that looks like this:

    ├── AEM1_CKDL200166465-1a_HF5GHCCX2_L3_1.fq.gz
    └── AEM1_CKDL200166465-1a_HF5GHCCX2_L3_2.fq.gz
  3. The procedure for these standard libraries is identical to the one described in Demultiplexing a Sequencing Run, so refer to that document, demultiplex, rename your files, and return here.

  4. When I’m done with this first step, my directory structure looks something like this, although you may have renamed the individual read files following the instructions in Demultiplexing a Sequencing Run:

    ├── AEM1_CKDL200166465-1a_HF5GHCCX2_L3_1.fq.gz
    ├── AEM1_CKDL200166465-1a_HF5GHCCX2_L3_2.fq.gz
    └── random-libraries
        ├── ACCATCCA+ACATTGCG_R1_001.fastq.gz
        ├── ACCATCCA+ACATTGCG_R2_001.fastq.gz
        ├── ...
        ├── demuxbyname.e631878
        ├── demuxbyname.o631878
        ├── demux.qsub
        ├── my_barcodes.txt
        ├── Undetermined_R1_001.fastq.gz
        └── Undetermined_R2_001.fastq.gz
  5. You now want to jump to Running GATK in Parallel, and follow the procedure for trimming reads, generating a BAM file, removing duplicates, haplotype calling, etc. If you have data containing i7+i5-8N tags, you will merge the samples back together after haplotype calling.

Your Data Contain i7 + i5-8N Tags

  1. We next need to demultiplex the data that are i7 + i5-8N by the i7 tag, then we will process those “plates” worth of data, separately to find restriction sites, deal with the i5-8N tags, etc. We can do this several ways and one of those ways uses Stacks, however Stacks is relatively slow for this task when faster options exist. So, we will (as above) use from BBMap.

  2. Before we demultiplex, we need to create a file of indexes. This will be similar to, but slightly different from how these data were demultiplexed, above. So, create a file, e.g., my_i7_indexes.txt that contains all of the i7 indexes you have paired with i5-8N indexes. The file MUST have each entry appended with a + because we are using substring matching to ensure we get what we want, and this makes the most appropriate substring. So, if I have 4 i7 indexes, I want to create a directory containing a file that looks like the following, where the sequences to the left of the + represent the i7 indexes. So, mkdir i5-8N_libraries, then create a file my_i7_indexes.txt in that directory containing:

  3. My directory structure now looks like:

    ├── AEM1_CKDL200166465-1a_HF5GHCCX2_L3_1.fq.gz
    ├── AEM1_CKDL200166465-1a_HF5GHCCX2_L3_2.fq.gz
    ├── i5-8N_libraries
    │   └── my_i7_indexes.txt
    └── random-libraries
        ├── ACCATCCA+ACATTGCG_R1_001.fastq.gz
        ├── ACCATCCA+ACATTGCG_R2_001.fastq.gz
        ├── ...
        ├── demuxbyname.e631878
        ├── demuxbyname.o631878
        ├── demux.qsub
        ├── my_barcodes.txt
        ├── Undetermined_R1_001.fastq.gz
        └── Undetermined_R2_001.fastq.gz
  4. We’re almost ready to demultiplex, but before we do and if you already demultiplexed “standard” libraries, make sure the files you are demultiplexing this time are the ``Undetermined_*`` files left over from the initial round of demultiplexing (e.g. Undetermined_R1_001.fastq.gz in the directory structure, above). Once you are sure that is so, you can setup demultiplexing. I usually do this in a folder one level below the read data I am demultiplexing (i5-8N_libraries):

    #PBS -A <allocation>
    #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=20
    #PBS -l walltime=12:00:00
    #PBS -q workq
    #PBS -N demuxbyname
    module load jdk/1.8.0_161
    # move into the directory containing this script
    $HOME/project/shared/bin/bbmap/ \
        prefixmode=f \
        substring=t \
        in=../random-libraries/Undetermined_R1_001.fastq.gz \
        in2=../random-libraries/Undetermined_R2_001.fastq.gz \
        out=%_R1_001.fastq.gz \
        out2=%_R2_001.fastq.gz \
        outu=Undetermined_R1_001.fastq.gz \
        outu2=Undetermined_R2_001.fastq.gz \
  5. Once that finishes, the directory structure looks something like this (random-libraries is collapsed):

    ├── AEM1_CKDL200166465-1a_HF5GHCCX2_L3_1.fq.gz
    ├── AEM1_CKDL200166465-1a_HF5GHCCX2_L3_2.fq.gz
    ├── i5-8N_libraries
    │   ├── AGTCGCTT+_R1_001.fastq.gz
    │   ├── AGTCGCTT+_R2_001.fastq.gz
    │   ├── CATTCGGT+_R1_001.fastq.gz
    │   ├── CATTCGGT+_R2_001.fastq.gz
    │   ├── CGAACTGT+_R1_001.fastq.gz
    │   ├── CGAACTGT+_R2_001.fastq.gz
    │   ├── demuxbyname.e631893
    │   ├── demuxbyname.o631893
    │   ├── demux.qsub
    │   ├── my_i7_indexes.txt
    │   ├── TCGGTTAC+_R1_001.fastq.gz
    │   ├── TCGGTTAC+_R2_001.fastq.gz
    │   ├── Undetermined_R1_001.fastq.gz
    │   └── Undetermined_R2_001.fastq.gz
    └── random-libraries
  6. Now, within the i5-8N_libraries directory, we need to demultiplex the samples within each “plate” (or for each set of unique i7 indexes). There are several ways that you can set this up (serially or parallel), but let’s assume that you just want to do this serially for each “plate”, because there are only a handful of plates. I would start by making a directory for each plate (e.g. mkdir CGAACTGT+ or rename as needed). Once that’s done, you need to navigate into that directory and create a file of the internal index sequences and the sample names associated with those sequences (e.g. CGAACTGT_internal_indexes.txt) . You also need to add some nucleotides to each index, and this can get a little messy, so the easiest way to do this is to download this file, fill in the required information, and copy the contents noted into the CGAACTGT_internal_indexes.txt file. The file contents will look something like:

    CCGAATG TCGGTACT        Sample_23
    CCGAATG GATCGTTGT       Sample_24
    CCGAATG AGCTACACTT      Sample_25
    CCGAATG GTATGCAT        Sample_27
    CCGAATG CACATGTCT       Sample_28
    CCGAATG TGTGCACGAT      Sample_29
    TTAGGCAG        CTAACGT Sample_30
    TTAGGCAG        TCGGTACT        Sample_31
    TTAGGCAG        GATCGTTGT       Sample_32
    TTAGGCAG        AGCTACACTT      Sample_33
    TTAGGCAG        ACGCATT Sample_34
    TTAGGCAG        GTATGCAT        Sample_35
    TTAGGCAG        CACATGTCT       Sample_36
    TTAGGCAG        TGTGCACGAT      Sample_37
    AACTCGTCG       CTAACGT Sample_38
    AACTCGTCG       TCGGTACT        Sample_39
    AACTCGTCG       GATCGTTGT       Sample_40
    AACTCGTCG       AGCTACACTT      Sample_41
    AACTCGTCG       ACGCATT Sample_42
    AACTCGTCG       GTATGCAT        Sample_43
    AACTCGTCG       CACATGTCT       Sample_44
    AACTCGTCG       TGTGCACGAT      Sample_45
    GGTCTACGTG      CTAACGT Sample_46
    GGTCTACGTG      TCGGTACT        Sample_47
    GGTCTACGTG      GATCGTTGT       Sample_48
    GGTCTACGTG      AGCTACACTT      Sample_49
    GGTCTACGTG      ACGCATT Sample_50
    GGTCTACGTG      GTATGCAT        Sample_51
    GGTCTACGTG      CACATGTCT       Sample_52
    GGTCTACGTG      TGTGCACGAT      Sample_53
    GATACCG TCGGTACT        Sample_55
    GATACCG GATCGTTGT       Sample_56
    GATACCG AGCTACACTT      Sample_57
    GATACCG GTATGCAT        Sample_59
    GATACCG CACATGTCT       Sample_60
    GATACCG TGTGCACGAT      Sample_61
    TCATGGTCAG      CTAACGT Sample_62
    TCATGGTCAG      TCGGTACT        Sample_63
    TCATGGTCAG      GATCGTTGT       Sample_64
    TCATGGTCAG      AGCTACACTT      Sample_65
    TCATGGTCAG      ACGCATT Sample_66
    TCATGGTCAG      GTATGCAT        Sample_67
    TCATGGTCAG      CACATGTCT       Sample_68
    TCATGGTCAG      TGTGCACGAT      Sample_69
  7. The directory structure now looks something like this:

    ├── AGTCGCTT+_R1_001.fastq.gz
    ├── AGTCGCTT+_R2_001.fastq.gz
    ├── CATTCGGT+_R1_001.fastq.gz
    ├── CATTCGGT+_R2_001.fastq.gz
    ├── CGAACTGT+
    │   └── CGAACTGT_internal_indexes.txt
    ├── CGAACTGT+_R1_001.fastq.gz
    ├── CGAACTGT+_R2_001.fastq.gz
    ├── demuxbyname.e631893
    ├── demuxbyname.o631893
    ├── demux.qsub
    ├── my_i7_indexes.txt
    ├── TCGGTTAC+_R1_001.fastq.gz
    ├── TCGGTTAC+_R2_001.fastq.gz
    ├── Undetermined_R1_001.fastq.gz
    └── Undetermined_R2_001.fastq.gz
  8. Once that’s done, we can start the demultiplexing by creating a qsub script (internal_dmux.qsub) that looks like this:

    #PBS -A <allocation>
    #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
    #PBS -l walltime=12:00:00
    #PBS -q single
    #PBS -N radcap_demux_p1
    # move into the directory containing this script
    process_radtags \
        -1 ../CGAACTGT+_R1_001.fastq.gz \
        -2 ../CGAACTGT+_R2_001.fastq.gz \
        -i gzfastq \
        -b CGAACTGT_internal_indexes.txt \
        --inline_inline \
        -o ./ \
        -c -q -r -t 140 -w 0.15 -s 10 \
        --renz_1 nheI \
        --renz_2 ecoRI \
        --adapter_mm 2 \
  9. And, the directory structure looks like this:

    ├── AGTCGCTT+_R1_001.fastq.gz
    ├── AGTCGCTT+_R2_001.fastq.gz
    ├── CATTCGGT+_R1_001.fastq.gz
    ├── CATTCGGT+_R2_001.fastq.gz
    ├── CGAACTGT+
    │   ├── CGAACTGT_internal_indexes.txt
    │   └── internal_dmux.qsub
    ├── CGAACTGT+_R1_001.fastq.gz
    ├── CGAACTGT+_R2_001.fastq.gz
    ├── demuxbyname.e631893
    ├── demuxbyname.o631893
    ├── demux.qsub
    ├── my_i7_indexes.txt
    ├── TCGGTTAC+_R1_001.fastq.gz
    ├── TCGGTTAC+_R2_001.fastq.gz
    ├── Undetermined_R1_001.fastq.gz
    └── Undetermined_R2_001.fastq.gz
  10. Now, submit the job and let it run. Proceed to do the same across the other plates of samples, adjusting the contents of the *_internal_indexes.txt file for whatever samples are in that plate.


    It takes a while for Stacks to write data to the files that are visible in the output directory you choose. So, just be sure to give it some time to run (~10 minutes) before worrying too much about something wrong with how you set it up. The results also come somewhat slowly across all samples.

    Also be aware that the steps above usually take 3-6 hours to run. If you have multiple plates of data, it would be sensible to setup jobs to demultiplex those, as well.

  11. Once the data are demultiplexed, we need to remove duplicate reads. Because we need to do this across many files (for all samples in each “plate”), we’ll use GNU Parallel. To get that process started, first make a new directory within each demultiplexed plate named process_radtags-removed and move all *.rem.1.fq.gz files there (alternatively, you can delete them).

    mkdir process_radtags-remove
    mv *.rem.*.fq.gz process_radtags-removed
  12. You probably also want to check to see if any of the read files in the directory are very small (kB instead of MB). You can do that with the following, which finds files < 2 MB in size. I would probably remove these samples from further consideration:

    find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -size -2M
  13. Next, make a new directory, duplicates-removed in the folder where you are working. The directory structure will look like this:

    ├── AGTCGCTT+_R1_001.fastq.gz
    ├── AGTCGCTT+_R2_001.fastq.gz
    ├── CATTCGGT+_R1_001.fastq.gz
    ├── CATTCGGT+_R2_001.fastq.gz
    ├── CGAACTGT+
    │   ├── CGAACTGT_internal_indexes.txt
    │   ├── duplicates-removed
    │   ├── internal_dmux.qsub
    │   ├── process_radtags-remove
    │   ├── Sample_22.1.fq.gz
    │   ├── ...
    │   └── Sample_69.2.fq.gz
    ├── CGAACTGT+_R1_001.fastq.gz
    ├── CGAACTGT+_R2_001.fastq.gz
    ├── demuxbyname.e631893
    ├── demuxbyname.o631893
    ├── demux.qsub
    ├── my_i7_indexes.txt
    ├── TCGGTTAC+_R1_001.fastq.gz
    ├── TCGGTTAC+_R2_001.fastq.gz
    ├── Undetermined_R1_001.fastq.gz
    └── Undetermined_R2_001.fastq.gz
  14. Change into this new folder and generate an input file that will contain <sample_name>,<read1 path>,<read2 path> using the following:

    for i in ../*.1.fq.gz; do b=`basename $i`; sample=${b%%.*}; echo "$sample,../$sample.1.fq.gz,../$sample.2.fq.gz" >> sample.list; done
  15. We need to create a script that we will run with parallel that contains the code to remove duplicates. Create a new file, and add to it the following:

    # echo name of sample to stdout
    echo $SAMPL
    # make a directory for output
    mkdir -p $SAMPL
    # remove PCR duplicates
    clone_filter \
        -P \
        -i gzfastq \
        --null-index \
        --oligo-len-2 8 \
        -1 $READ1 \
        -2 $READ2 \
  16. Once that’s done, you need to make it executable, so chmod +x

  17. Now, create your qsub script, remove_duplicates.qsub in the same directory. You will want to set the number of nodes to something reasonable - e.g. like ~2 for 100 samples. The code uses 1 core per sample, so that would allocate 40 cores to the job. With 150-200 MB data per sample, each sample runs in about 3 minutes.

    #PBS -A <allocation>
    #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
    #PBS -l walltime=12:00:00
    #PBS -q single
    #PBS -N radcap_clonefilter_p1
    # load the GNU parallel module (on @smic)
    module load parallel/20190222/intel-19.0.5
    # move into the directory containing this script
    # Number of Cores per job
    export CORES_PER_JOB=1
    # move into the directory containing this script
    # set the number of Jobs per node based on $CORES_PER_JOB
    parallel --colsep '\,' \
            --progress \
            --joblog logfile.$PBS_JOBID \
            -j $JOBS_PER_NODE \
            --slf $PBS_NODEFILE \
            --workdir $PBS_O_WORKDIR \
            -a sample.list \
            ./ {$1} {$2} {$3}
  18. Submit the job with qsub.

  19. That will take a little while to finish. When it’s done, output regarding the percentage duplication will be in the stderr file. You can access the parts that are important with something like:

    cat radcap_declone_p1.e* | grep "^Processing\|clone reads
  20. This will output data that look like the following, so that you can extract the important information (% clone/duplicated reads):

    Processing file 1 of 1 [Sample_24.1.fq.gz]
    1524053 pairs of reads input. 1186384 pairs of reads output, discarded 337669 pairs of reads, 22.16% clone reads.
    Processing file 1 of 1 [Sample_23.1.fq.gz]
    1603923 pairs of reads input. 1271849 pairs of reads output, discarded 332074 pairs of reads, 20.70% clone reads.
    Processing file 1 of 1 [Sample_22.1.fq.gz]
    2159065 pairs of reads input. 1659710 pairs of reads output, discarded 499355 pairs of reads, 23.13% clone reads.
    Processing file 1 of 1 [Sample_26.1.fq.gz]
    2608250 pairs of reads input. 2033327 pairs of reads output, discarded 574923 pairs of reads, 22.04% clone reads.
    Processing file 1 of 1 [Sample_25.1.fq.gz]
    2867423 pairs of reads input. 2185931 pairs of reads output, discarded 681492 pairs of reads, 23.77% clone reads.
  21. The last thing we need to do is to navigate into the duplicates-removed directory, create a new directory discards and move all of the discarded (duplicate) reads into that directory:

    mkdir discards
    mv *.discards.*.fq.gz discards
  22. You can either retain or delete this discards folder. I usually keep it around to check and make sure the results are sensible. Then I delete.

  23. Now that this is finished, we’re ready to move forward with aligning the RADcap data to our genome sequence. You need to think about how you want to do this, because there several paths forward. You can basically jump into analyzing your data with Stacks by jumping to Reference-based Analysis and following the process for generating BAM files. Alternatively, because you’ve marked duplicates, you can analyze your data with GATK by jumping to Read Alignment and following the process for generating BAM files. You will NOT run Duplicate Remove. Remember that if you also have randomly sheared libraries enriched with RADcap, you’ll need to integrate them BAM files from those data to the BAM files from your i5-8N RADcap libraries. This happens after generating BAM files (for the Stacks approach) and after Haplotype Calling (for the GATK approach).

Final Steps

  1. Once you have generated VCF files for the SNPs you have called, it is a very good idea to filter those VCF files to include only the loci/sites that you enriched with RADcap. You will do this using VCFTools and a BED-formatted file of your RADcap loci and the position of those loci in the genome with which you are working.